Veterans Collaborate to Benefit a Local Children’s Hospital with Their Newly Released Book, ‘Veteran Grit. Four Marines Veterans Journey from Warrior to Entrepreneur.’

In 1947, the Marine Corps adopted the children of the world. From the first toy collected by Major Bill Hendricks to this day, Marines sacrifice for the most vulnerable.

It is this spirit that drove the authors of Veteran Grit. Four Marines Veterans’ Journey from Warrior to Entrepreneur’ decided to donate all the profits from their book to a hospital. They hope others will join them in supporting this effort by ordering a copy today.

All the profits from the sale of this book go to support the Children’s Hospital of Richmond, VA.

According to Chris, “At Profusion, we believe we are responsible for lifting up the humans in our community. The profits from this book will continue to help kids and families for decades to come. Marines don’t leave Marines on the battlefield, and we won’t leave behind those that need us most.”

5-Star Testimonials Include:

“Chris Mayfield and his VETERAN GRIT co-authors are to be commended for using their life experiences — in and out of uniform — to remind us of the power of remaining “always faithful.” Semper Fidelis, the Marine Corps motto, embodies that ideal of total commitment to a mission and team members. But those words didn’t come from the battlefield. The phrase is centuries older than the Marines. Historians suggest that the phrase probably began in ancient Rome as its Senators admonished newly conquered people to “remain loyal (to Rome).” Long after the fall of the Roman Empire, through the Middle Ages and to modern times, the words became the motto for clans, families, and towns. They appeared on flags, coats-of-arms, and in a myriad of other representations. But Semper Fidelis had taken on a different meaning as a “call to community-mindedness” and not just a “call to arms.” In life and business, as in war, adopting a strong set of values — centered around gratefulness and loyalty to our families, country, and neighbors — will serve us well wherever we go and whatever our purpose.” Mike Hatfield (Captain, USN Ret.)

About Profusion Consulting

Profusion Consulting is a Richmond, VA-based leadership and organizational development company. As a registered B Corporation, Profusion Consulting has committed to donating all profits to benefit the community.

About Chris Mayfield

Chris Mayfield is the founder of a leadership and organizational development consulting firm, Profusion Consulting. Chris is a retired Marine Corps Logistics Officer, having proudly served for 24 years, including tours in Somalia and Iraq. Chris has nearly twenty years of experience in private sector companies, including QVC, Circuit City, and Louis Berger International, and was the COO of a handicap-accessible vehicle manufacturing company.

This book is available in both Kindle and paperback editions and is currently on sale for the holidays.

‘Veteran Grit. Four Marines Veterans Journey from Warrior to Entrepreneur’

Media Contact

Company Name
Profusion Consulting, INC
Contact Name
Chris Mayfield
(757) 373-3109
United States

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