New York City Forcible Touching Lawyer Discusses Forcible Touching in NYC

New York forcible touching lawyer Russ Kofman ( of Lebedin Kofman LLP has recently released an article discussing the topic of forcible touching in New York. In the article, Kofman provides valuable insights into this crime and its legal implications.

According to the New York forcible touching lawyer, forcible touching is a serious offense that can result in criminal charges and harsh penalties. “Forcible touching occurs when an individual intentionally and forcibly touches another person’s intimate body parts without their consent,” Kofman stated. “This can include touching a person’s genitals, buttocks, or breasts.”

Attorney Kofman emphasized that even seemingly minor incidents of unwanted touching can be considered forcible touching under the law. “It’s important for individuals to understand that any unwanted touching of an intimate body part can be considered forcible touching, even if there was no physical injury or harm,” Kofman explained.

In the article, Kofman also provided an overview of the legal consequences of forcible touching in New York. Individuals convicted of this crime may face imprisonment, fines, and even registration as sex offenders. “The penalties for forcible touching can be severe and life-changing,” Kofman noted. “It’s important for individuals to seek legal representation if they are facing charges related to this offense.”

The article also addressed the issue of consent in cases of forcible touching. Kofman emphasized that consent is a critical factor in determining whether touching was lawful or criminal. “Consent is a key element in any sexual encounter, and without it, any touching of an intimate body part can be considered a crime,” Kofman stated.

The lawyer explains that forcible touching is a serious crime, but it’s not as severe as some other sex crimes. It’s a type of misdemeanor called a Class A. If someone is found guilty, they could go to jail for up to one year, do community service, or be put on probation for up to three years.

Furthermore, the lawyer says that if someone is convicted of forcible touching, they may have to register as a sex offender and keep their information updated in the state’s database. If they want to move to a new address, they have to inform the state within 10 days. Not complying with these rules could result in being charged with a felony.

Lastly, attorney Kofman emphasizes the importance of having a skilled lawyer when facing charges of forcibly touching another person. An experienced lawyer may be able to help the defendant understand their rights and protect their freedom.

About Lebedin Kofman LLP

Russ Kofman and Arthur Lebedin are seasoned, aggressive litigators handling cases in both the state and federal courts. Together, they manage the Lebedin Kofman Law firm. They handle civil rights cases as well as family law, high-net-worth divorce, and highly contested custody cases. Attorney Kofman and attorney Lebedin believe in their clients and work hard to fight for their rights and help them receive the best possible outcome for each of their cases. Call today to speak with an experienced attorney: (646) 663-4430.

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Lebedin Kofman LLP | Criminal Attorney and DWI Lawyer
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Russ Kofman
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