Detroit, MI – According to Complete Ketamine Solutions, a ketamine infusion therapy and pain management clinic in Detroit, approximately one in five adults in the United States suffers from chronic pain. This can be debilitating and completely disruptive to everyday life. Sadly, not everyone who seeks relief finds it in traditional medicine. Enter ketamine. This PCP derivative has shown promise in the world of pain management.
Complete Ketamine Solutions of Detroit offers pain management services to people suffering from chronic pain. The ketamine infusion clinic utilizes this anesthetic drug in low doses to first help stabilize depression and then quickly and effectively treat chronic pain.
Ketamine treatment is effective in treating many different types of chronic pain, including neuropathy, fibromyalgia, back pain related to certain cancer treatments, nerve pain, complex pain syndrome, and traumatic spinal injuries. Ketamine injections are administered in a safe and comfortable clinical environment by trained medical professionals that offer customized treatment and one-on-one service to pain management patients.
Ketamine therapy is also beneficial for people suffering from a laundry list of physical and mental health disorders. The Detroit clinic lists PTSD, OCD, substance abuse, addiction disorders, migraines, depression, and anxiety among these. It should be noted that ketamine therapy is only available by prescription, and patients should maintain contact with their entire healthcare team before seeking low-dose ketamine infusion therapy.
Ketamine’s History
Historically, ketamine is most known as a party drug, often used to induce a psychedelic state. However, this anesthetic medication actually dates back to 1962 when it was discovered by American scientist Calvin Stevens. Although used as a recreational hallucinogen in its parent form of PCP, ketamine has been used since 1964 as both a human and veterinary anesthetic. By the 1970s, it had gained a following among partiers and ran rampant on the illegal drug market throughout the 70s and 80s. PCP was also used as an anesthetic but was discontinued in 1965 because it caused delusions, agitation, and irrational thoughts in patients waking from surgery.
Fast-forward to the 2000s. To help sufferers find relief for treatment-resistant pain and depression, scientists began looking into low-dose ketamine. The drug, which blocks nerve pain, works quickly. However, ketamine for depression can also work long-term by allowing the brain to regrow synopsis damaged by trauma and stress.
Ketamine Infusion Therapy For Inflammatory Issues
Complete Ketamine Solutions of Detroit explains that ketamine works for pain management by not only blocking nerve pain but also reducing inflammation. It is particularly beneficial for people suffering from reflex sympathetic dystrophy and other chronic inflammation orders. People with chronic migraines, neck issues, connective tissue disorders, rheumatoid arthritis, and other inflammatory diseases may find pain relief through outpatient intravenous ketamine infusion therapy.
Ketamine For Depression
Ketamine works for depression by allowing the brain to heal itself. Throughout the last 20 or so years, there have been more than a dozen studies conducted through the National Institutes Of Health, the VA, Yale, and more on the efficacy of low-dose ketamine infusion therapy. Findings indicate that ketamine offers both short and long-term results for people with treatment-resistant depression, particularly those with suicidal ideations.
Although scientists don’t fully understand how ketamine therapy works, growing bodies of evidence suggest that the pain management properties of ketamine far outweigh its potential side effects, which include nausea, lightheadedness, and drowsiness.
Complete Ketamine Solutions of Detroit offers flexible scheduling, free initial consultation, and affordable pricing. For more information, visit the clinic online at
Media Contact

Company Name
Complete Ketamine Solutions of Detroit
Contact Name
Clint Fletcher
(615) 300-3096
17888 Mack Ave. #1
Grosse Pointe
Postal Code
United States