Experience Natural Pain Relief Through QC Kinetix (Camp Hill)’s Regenerative Medicine Treatments

Camp Hill, PAQC Kinetix (Camp Hill) offers natural pain relieving solutions to patients with pain from injuries, accidents, wear and tear, and conditions like arthritis. These therapies relieve the symptoms like inflammation, swelling, soreness, redness, and warmth from the neck, back, shoulders, wrists, large and small joints, and muscles. The team does not recommend surgery or prescription medication but offers alternatives to hip replacement, knee repair, shoulder replacement, and other surgical procedures.

QC Kinetix (Camp Hill) has a broad spectrum of minimally-invasive therapies that do not introduce foreign objects to the body. They offer solutions to help patients facing difficulty with everyday tasks like standing, sitting, and walking. The clinic customizes the therapies to patients’ unique health needs to get to the root cause of the pain and strengthen the injured parts to avoid re-injury.

The team offers sports medicine remedies that combine regenerative medicine with rest and bracing to improve patient outcomes. They have solutions for the symptoms of injuries like sprains and strains, fractures, and golfer’s elbow pain. Unlike surgeries, the clinic’s therapies do not require patients to take time off work once the healing process begins. This fastened healing rate allows patients to return to their sports careers or hobbies fast. The clinic has partnered with athletes like Elliot Smith, who have benefited from their natural therapies.

During treatment, QC Kinetix (Camp Hill) offers a personalized concierge-level service that provides logistical support to patients throughout the clinical experience. They perform follow-up services regularly to ensure the therapies are working as anticipated. The clinic trains patients on helpful exercises they can use at home to enhance healing.

All new parents go through a free consultation session which takes about 30-60 minutes, to diagnose their condition and recommend the best-suited therapies. The patient meets with one of the clinic’s physicians to discuss their medical history and may perform more tests to improve accuracy in diagnosis. The staff will recommend the best-suited solutions and what they entail while answering patient queries.

A quote from the clinic website said this about their services,

“Are you looking for alternative biotherapies to treat your chronic pain, stiffness, and other symptoms? We provide various non-surgical treatments to help you live comfortably again. We aim to provide injured athletes with optimum short-term and long-term treatment outcomes for their pain. We do this by using advanced treatments that produce the best results.”

For consultation and booking, contact the clinic staff by calling (717) 298-7696. Visit the clinic website for more information on joint pain treatment Camp Hill and natural regenerative medicine therapies which do not include surgery or prescription medication. QC Kinetix (Camp Hill) is located at 205 Grandview Ave, Suite 402, Camp Hill, PA, 17011, US.

Media Contact

Company Name
QC Kinetix (Camp Hill)
Contact Name
Scott Hoots
(717) 298-7696
205 Grandview Ave, Suite 402
Camp Hill
Postal Code
United States

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