We Are One’ Completes Blood Donation of over 70,000 people, the largest ever by an organization

Shincheonji Youth Volunteers We Are One donate blood

After setting a World Records for over 70,000 registered to donate blood online, We Are One Youth Volunteers have completed the largest blood donation of over 70,000 people before the start of the winter season, with over 100,000 attempted donors.

Chicago, Illinois Dec 2, 2022 (Issuewire.com) – With the continued blood supply shortage because of COVID-19, the youth volunteer group, We Are One (Head, Junsu Hong) has run a blood donation campaign with the goal of 70,000 donors, from August 27th to November (November 27th), when the winter season begins in South Korea. During the campaign, a total of 73,807 people completed blood donation over 85 days. 100,360 people participated in the blood donation campaign, which is the largest blood donation record ever in the Red Cross of Korea.

We Are One planned a group blood donation campaign this past summer to solve the national blood shortage crisis because of the drop in blood donation participants due to the prolonged COVID-19 pandemic. With the goal of completing blood donations of 70,000 people by November to prepare for the winter season when blood supply is usually reduced along with summer vacations and the Chuseok holiday, We Are One members actively participated in blood donation.

This campaign was conducted at blood centers located in 17 metropolitan governments across South Korea, as We Are One member all over the country promptly joined. Over 70,000 blood donations were completed by November 27th, as planned.

In order for a large number of people to donate blood in an efficient manner over a short period of time, We Are One focused on accommodating the situation of the blood center and participants’ schedules. Members also showed their best efforts to resolve the blood shortage by paying special attention to their own health conditions to avoid being disqualified for blood donation.

In fact, in order to achieve the goal of ‘70,000 blood donations before the start of winter’, about 100,000 We Are One member across South Korea turned out to have participated in the campaign at blood centers for the past three months.

The Chicago branch of We Is One also participated during the campaign by donating enough blood to save over 270 lives in the Chicagoland area through Versiti Blood Centers, a Midwest Blood center in the United States. The blood collected has gone to local hospitals and sickle cell patients in need of blood transfusions.

Hong Junsu, Head of We Are One, stated, “Blood donation is the only way to save the lives of patients in need of blood transfusion and noble service. We appreciate the members who participated in blood donation with a clear sense of calling to practice sharing life. We Are One is committed to participating in blood donation to resolve the blood supply shortage and bolster the community safety net.”

We Are One is a youth volunteer group composed of young adults from Shincheonji Church of Jesus that was launched on July 30th, 2022.

Shincheonji Youth Volunteers We Are One donate bloodShincheonji Youth Volunteers We Are One donate bloodShincheonji Youth Volunteers We Are One donate bloodShincheonji Youth Volunteers We Are One donate blood

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NHNE Midwest



Source :NHNE Midwest

This article was originally published by IssueWire. Read the original article here.

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