Shakti Therapy & Healing Services finally announced the beginning of its new Ketamine Assisted Psychotherapy service, which has been in development since 2022. The main aim is to help people transform their emotional pain into personal power by bringing an alternative to antidepressants with the most efficient depression treatment up to date.
More details about Shakti Therapy’s Ketamine Assisted Psychotherapy can be found at: https://www.shaktitherapyhealing.com/post/ketamine-assisted-therapy-a-unique-approach-to-mental-health
It is aimed at helping people suffering from treatment-resistant and major depression symptoms. Ketamine has also shown great results in treating anxiety, stress, PTSD, and other mental health problems. Ketamine treatments have shown the fastest depressive symptoms alleviation without weight gain, sexual dysfunction, emotional blunting, or fatigue.
This new service launched by Shakti Therapy is less likely to cause the same side effects as traditional antidepressants, but it does so with a difference.
Ektha Aggarwal, Licensed Clinical Social Worker and founder of Shakti Therapy & Healing Services, says: “Shakti Therapy takes a holistic approach to healing–a mind-body-spirit approach. Each client receives a supportive, individualized experience of customized meditation related to therapy sessions to increase inner exploration and connection to their inner healing wisdom. The service uses aromatherapy connected to childhood senses to awaken the inner child. When the inner child is awakened and the patient connects with it, resilience is built as adults. The use of healing rituals helps clients link an experience to a behavior and have a material thing or things associated with the experience to enhance integration, change, and the ability to journey back into the experience.”
Shakti Therapy is a place that provides ketamine medical and therapeutic support–one place, one care team that is consistent and available. Every session integration is provided – this is what Ektha Aggarwal considers the heart of healing with the medicine. As she states, “The therapist is fully present and holds space the whole time with the client. Every client is provided an eye mask and curated music for the journey. Soon, a customized trip journal for a fully therapeutic experience will be added to the service.”
The clinic also provides the option to add on crystal healing and pranic healing to KAP treatment for enhanced energy healing and mental health.
Interested parties can learn more by visiting https://www.shaktitherapyhealing.com/post/how-to-maximize-the-effects-of-ketamine-therapy
The new Ketamine Assisted Therapy service is scheduled to begin operations in February 2023. To find out more about this service and Shakti Therapy & Healing Services, it’s possible to book an appointment at: https://www.shaktitherapyhealing.com/booking-calendar/ketamine-therapy-consultation
Shakti Therapy & Healing Services
4236 Overland Ave
United States