The latest launch from ‘My Investing Club’ (MIC) expands its large database of coaching solutions for inexperienced day traders – available to members of its growing chatroom community. The platform offers a space for like-minded individuals to connect with one another, sharing their experiences and learning from a panel of professional traders.
More details can be found at https://myinvestingclub.com
The announcement outlines the additional features now accessible through the MIC mentorship program. These include one-to-one sessions with seasoned stock market players. Mentors can be reached seven days a week via SMS or voice call, providing industry-leading access to experts in the field.
Technical analysis skills are an essential part of day trading practice. These methods are used to predict probable movements in the prices of securities. This approach is based on the belief that previous market activity and prices for particular stocks are the most reliable indicator of future performance. Success in day trading centers on predicting and capitalizing on short-term fluctuations in prices.
MIC members can learn the techniques used by professional traders and apply these to their own practice. A series of weekly webinars explore these methods and a host of other market strategies. Subscribers can learn about market cycles and how to track trends in price, volume, and volatility.
The mentoring panel teaches members to interpret a variety of different charts to aid in identifying trends. These include candlestick charts which reveal the price differences between opening and closing as well as daily ranges. In an industry that has a terminology all its own, subscribers are taught the concepts behind such terms as breakout, average true range, harmonics, momentum, and retracement.
In addition, MIC members are given daily trading blueprints and can take advantage of the platform’s state-of-the-art learning management system. All webinars are recorded and filed in a large video encyclopedia which can be accessed at any time and covers virtually every aspect of day trading.
A spokesperson says, “We provide our members with weekly cutting-edge training webinars to keep them up to speed on what’s working and what isn’t working anymore in the current market, today.”
For more information, go to https://myinvestingclub.com
My Investing Club
979 Story Road
STE 7078
United States