Michigan GeoSearch, Inc. continues its successful exploration, development and production program in Michigan

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Tim Fodor, Chairman of the Fodor Group of Companies announces that Michigan Geosearch, Inc. (a wholly owned entity of the Fodor Group) has begun drilling operations on two of its prospects in Michigan.

Okemos, Michigan Dec 14, 2022 (Issuewire.com) – The Wylie #1-1A located in Section 1 of Unadilla Township, Livingston County Michigan will be drilled to 4121′ to locate an undiscovered and undrilled Silurian-Niagaran Reef. The Bradley #1A located in Section 25 of White Oak Township, Ingham County Michigan will be drilled to 3900′ to test the productive potential of a Silurian-Niagaran Reef originally drilled in 1975. Both wells are similar to the Michigan GeoSearch, Inc. Buurma #1-36A which tested 740 barrels of oil per day and has been producing since Nov 2019.
The Bradley #1A and The Wylie #1-1A are supported by extensive geologic research, mapping, reservoir analysis, and well log analysis and are further supported by excellent quality seismic lines that indicate reefs of approximately 80 acres in areal extent. As part of the comprehensive study compiled and completed by MGI over several years and hundreds of wells, it was determined that traditional approaches to determining 100% SW in the reefs were in error.

About the Company:

Michigan GeoSearch, Inc. is a fully integrated oil/gas exploration company with a 40-year track record in locating new reserves of hydrocarbons. MGI utilizes state-of-the-art geosciences exploration techniques to select its prospects and wells. Information and data covering many sophisticated, technical, and complicated geosciences disciplines ranging from geological, geophysical, geochemical, petroleum engineering, and reservoir engineering are incorporated into MGI’s exploration and drilling program.

MGI under the leadership of Tim Fodor a Certified Exploration Geologist (#3172 American Association of Petroleum Geologists and #8504 American Institute of Petroleum Geologists) has developed significant expertise in all facets of oil and gas exploration, basin and reservoir analysis, reservoir stimulation, and enhancement, geosciences acquisition and interpretation, primary and secondary production, production facilities, treatment facilities, gas transmission and compression, cogeneration, full phase integration of all geosciences disciplines.

Media Contact

Michigan GeoSearch, Inc.


+1 8432985039

PO Box 1368 Okemos, Michigan

Source :Michigan GeoSearch, Inc.

This article was originally published by IssueWire. Read the original article here.

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