Dynamic Sequencing Yoga Wellness Challenge For Women’s Lifestyle Change Launched

The new challenge was designed and created by Zoe Bray-Cotton, an internationally certified personal trainer, yoga instructor, and female transformation specialist. Bray-Cotton partnered with Health Solutions, Inc. to develop a three-phase dynamic sequencing health and fitness challenge that can be completed in 12 weeks.

More details can be found at https://yogaburnchallenge.com/aff-i/?hop=jacknator

The new challenge is specifically designed for women and works by guiding students through dynamic sequencing. Dynamic sequencing teaches students to perform each movement properly and then increases challenge points at the precise moment their bodies get used to the routine. This triggers the body to adapt and build more muscle while improving flexibility.

The challenge is divided into 15 videos, each 45 minutes long. The videos can be played on any device and done at any pace, though it is recommended to complete three 45-minute videos a week, with the option to complete an additional video to build self-confidence. All videos must be done in sequence, with students starting from phase one which is the foundation flow then moving along to phase two, the transitional flow, and ending with phase three, the mastery flow.

Bray-Cotton has adapted the program to help all women regardless of flexibility level or yoga experience. During any video, she will also show alternative movements that beginners can perform instead. Students are likewise requested to listen to their bodies at all times and take breaks, as necessary.

The challenge is meant to boost self-confidence while promoting a healthy lifestyle. The 12-week challenge can also be done while pregnant, though students should perform each movement more slowly.

Bray-Cotton writes, “We’ve designed the program to be able to suit women of all fitness levels from very new beginners to advanced yoga students. Dynamic Sequencing helps to ensure you can achieve the very basics of each pose and then teaches you how to progress to more challenging poses in a very detailed way. If you find your workouts too challenging there are always plenty of modifications offered in the videos to adjust each movement to your current fitness level.”

Interested parties can find more information by visiting https://yogaburnchallenge.com/aff-i/?hop=jacknator

Yoga Burn Challenge
1444 S. Entertainment Ave
Siute 410
United States

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