With one in five Americans suffering from chronic pain, as outlined in recent data analyzed by the NHIS, the clinic’s announcement offers a natural, homeopathic alternative to prescription or over-the-counter pain medication.
Interested parties can learn more at https://www.poeholistichealth.com/
Using highly diluted substances made from natural ingredients such as plants and minerals, homeopathy aims to trigger the body’s own healing mechanisms. For its homeopathic treatments, Poe Holistic Health uses tinctures and sprays created by Physica Energetic, a well-established natural remedy producer that uses rigorous third-party lab testing on all of its original products.
Among the homeopathic remedies the clinic may prescribe to patients suffering from chronic pain is Physica Energetic’s Pre & Post-Milieu tincture which “aids and provides homeopathic support and drainage in trauma and pain causal chain imbalances”. Poe Holistic Health may also use the Inflamma-Tox tincture from the same company to decrease a patient’s internal inflammation, which has been linked to chronic pain conditions.
For patients whose chronic pain has caused serious sleep impairments, Poe Holistic Health uses Physica Energetic’s Relax Milieu Tincture combined with lifestyle changes and a nutritional regimen that prioritizes magnesium and vitamin B, both of which are proven to support healthy sleeping habits.
About Poe Holistic Health
Located in Shrewsbury, MA, Poe Holistic Health strives to provide preventative, alternative health care that supplements and enhances conventional medical care. The practice’s founder, Dr. Kristen Poe, holds a Ph.D. in alternative medicine and a doctorate in Naprapathy. She is a member of the American Naturopathic Medical Association and is board certified by the National Association of Nutrition Professionals. Poe Holistic Health offers natural seasonal allergy treatment, purification and cleansing solutions, optimal health and lifestyle management, and more.
“We live in a high-pressure and demanding culture, and often our health and well-being suffer,” said the clinic’s Dr. Kristen Poe. “It is no wonder we live in a society that is plagued with chronic health issues, nutritional deficiencies, pain, stress, and anxiety. My passion and mission are to help people find alternative means to improve their lives using natural, non-invasive, and holistic methods.”
Interested parties can learn more and schedule a consultation with Poe Holistic Health by visiting https://www.poeholistichealth.com/