Prospective clients who are looking for less emotional distress may now enjoy the option of less expensive hourly coaching rather than signing up for multi-month programs according to Dennis E. Bradford, Ph.D., the founder of Consulting Philosopher.
The new option has been designed to serve adults who desire greater emotional serenity and are unable to afford longer programs. Although multi-month coaching programs are optimific, their cost is prohibitive for many people. This is great news for prospective clients because more emotionally stressed people are now able to afford effective coaching.
The new hourly one-on-one telephone coaching service is with Dr. Bradford himself. This expands the opportunity for many people to afford effective coaching. Those who invest in the service with an open mind will benefit because it’s wise to learn from others in the sense that it’s almost always much less painful than making all the mistakes oneself.
Dr. Bradford claims that the most important mistake that nearly all psychiatrists, clinical psychologists, and life coaches make is that they ignore the centuries of teachings that sages have offered us when it comes to living better emotionally.
When asked about that, he said, “Living well isn’t easy for anyone. Life is difficult for everyone. That’s why it’s always a valuable investment to learn how others have successfully overcome problems. You may feel alone when confronting your problems, but that doesn’t have to be true.”
Dr. Bradford is particularly excited about this launch because it offers effective coaching to those with more modest financial resources.
He claims that anyone interested in learning a lot more about emotional well-being in general without spending any money can do so at his EndFearFast.com website. He also claims that most people are so confused even about the nature of an emotion that they couldn’t explain it well to a curious 7-year-old. Therefore, it’s not surprising to him that few people live well emotionally.
Those interested in learning more about coaching from him can do so at https://dennisebradford.com/
Consulting Philosopher
5699 Sutton Point North
United States