18 Members of the XRP ARMY COMMUNITY Collaborate to Bring The Timeline Alive

“There is an inmost center in us all, where truth abides in fullness;….and, to know, rather consists in opening out a way where the imprisoned splendor may escape, then in effecting entry for a light supposed to be without.” Robert Browning.

In the world today, lots of problems. Selfishness and Greed are the root cause of most problems created by human beings.

What is the Solution? Cooperation. Cooperation is the way, it’s in our DNA.

Eighteen brave souls from the XRP ARMY COMMUNITY decided to take a step in this direction. Deciding to Connect, Cooperate and Collaborate. To come Together and create something greater together than any could create by themselves. Ever notice Michael Jordan never won a Championship playing by himself? Lots choose to play the game alone. Silly wabbits!

This TEAM came together to bring The Timeline Alive.

What is this Timeline? The sec and members of the eea etherium enterprise alliance worked together to give the digital token etherium a free pass. The Timeline breaks down in chronological order how this came to be. “These are the the facts and they are not in dispute”. John E Deaton Esq. said.

This Team came together after meeting on Twitter….all feel to have a better world, people have to come together to make things better.

Who are these people? XRP Army News 1.GaryGenslerResign @XRPArmyNews1, TB @TNPFIT, XRPLUMBER @xrplumber, jenna x @XRPjenna, XRP Meesku @Mel_Senechal, XRP Snakie @XrpSnakie, FireDragonXRP @Jpaguado , XRP-JayB @JayBlessed901, crypto and bourbon @Christo83585620, XRP/XDC Chris @Chris31710218, Ken XRP @ken_xrp, Emmett Hedigan @HediganEmmett, Mick @MastermindMick, Crypto Eri 214k Followers (beware of imposters) @sentosumosaba, AABest.XRP @AABest, DOC DELUCCI @cryto_rigatoni, Iain E Liddell @EedoXrp, MrUseCase (Zerpaverse) @MrUseCase.

These voices came together to bring the roots of the SEC v Ripple case out of the headlines and back to where it resides; inside each of us: The Timeline Comes Alive.

If the problems humanity faces today are not addressed…how are things going to get better? These people believe #TWAS is true! Together We Are Stronger, applying the Law of Synergy, together proving people can choose to walk what they talk. People CAN act together, not just talk about it. Lots of talkers out there. These people chose to be doers, not talkers. RESPECT!

“We can not solve our problems with the same level of thinking that created them” Albert Einstein.

People believe this to be true? Then people have to DO DIFFERENT. “This is not Rocket Scientology”, quote by Scott Powell XRP Army News 1.

The hope is this demonstration spurs more Cooperative efforts in the XRP ARMY COMMUNITY. That Community has often been referred to as the Smartest Community in Crypto.

How cool would it be if members decided to and worked to become the MOST Connected, Cooperative and Collaborating Community in the History of the World?

Any downside to that?

Huge props need to be given to the sleuths and the Influencers/Youtubers in the XRP ARMY COMMUNITY. Finding the Facts of the Timeline and sharing them with the World has been awesome.

This Bringing The Timeline Alive Project is just complimenting the work done by others, adding human voices to the facts and how this hot mess effected people.

Special Thanks go to the Sleuths in The XRP ARMY Community and their research! Special Thanks for the Influencers/Youtubers who have shared this information with the world. Special Thanks to @TNPFIT, @Crypto and Bourbon and XRP ARMY NEWS(Rick) for their inexhaustible effort and dedication to make this Project a reality.

The Timeline Comes Alive is truly a demonstration of what Robert Browning said…..an example of opening out a way whence the imprisoned splendor may escape….the imprisoned splendor….the cooperation and collaboration of a few brave, wonderful people. Let this project be the springboard for future collaboration.

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